As you may or may not have noticed I have been a bit absent this winter and did not feel the pull to post. However, today its above zero and I found a couple of unique sets so I feel strangely compelled to share.
But first I think a self-conscious word or two is in order.
In spite (or perhaps because) of its lofty ambitions, the future of this blog is uncertain at best. While this was never meant to be a social endeavor, at the moment I feel that one of the main reasons I am not so keen to post is because I cant sufficiently answer the question, 'why?'. I started this blog to create a space so that I may try my hand at some kind of amateur music journalism. While I admit there are only a few real examples of journalistic efforts in these pages, the experiment has yielded some results. The other reason I started was to create a of history of my mostly musical interests so that one day I may look back through these pages and laugh or cry or rediscover. The reason which I downplayed or simply omitted at the outset was this social dimension, wherein there is some kind of interaction with the audience - the former 2 reasons were simply enough. So as the first reason has been somewhat achieved and the second has been taken over by the combination of facebook and itunes, I feel the once moot third reason needs to rise up and be strong enough to entice motion. So... If you would like more music or thoughts or videos or links or anything from me on these pages, now is your time to say it.
I will listen.
Otherwise, the posts might get sparser and sparser.
Either way, lets see what happens. I could still imagine a world where I get back into it despite a continuation of the one-wayness of it all.
Cheers from Poland.