I know I recently blogged about Greg Wilson, but I just heard this mix and had to share as it's a great example of both the kind of deep crate digging he is known for and the kind of smooth and remixes he can produce.
BESTIVAL BLOGCAST (by greg wilson for bestival) by gregwilson
Tunes to watch for are ::
T-Coy - Carino (Greg Wilson Edit) @ the start {{i guess Omar and Stevie Wonder used a T-Coy sample in their new hit 'I'm Feeling you') }}
Rocha - Feel the Love (Greg Wilson edit) @ 32:00
Florance and the Machine - Rabbit Heart (Leo Zero edit) (Greg Wilson edit)
The XX - Night Time (Greg Wilson edit) {{Soon to be released!!}} @ 45:50
William DeVaughn - Be Thankful for What You Got (Onur Engin edit) @ 18:54
William DeVaughn - Be Thankful for What You've Got (Onur Engin Edit) by Onur Engin
Here's the original
Check out Onur Engins souncloud for more sweet edits.
And Greg is constantly uploading new sets to his soundcloud page, and answering most comments and track id requests. If you have the time, its always a rewarding place to mine for gems.
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