As you might know, Jamie xx, the 'programmer/beat-maker' from the XX, has been commissioned to remix last years fairly massive Gil Scott-Heron comeback album, I'm New Here. However, he wanted to include and sample some of Gil's old work and set it to an older, RJD2 style, while embedding Gil's new work in his newer, dubstepy style. We're New Here will be the albums title, out Feb 21/22.
Here is the promised video for Gil Scott-Heron's New York is Killing Me directed by the notorious Cris Cunningham.
Here's a few Jaime xx remixes and a set that surfaced last year plus a new one from a 12" due out soon.
Jamie xx - "Far Nearer" by vinylandvodka
Jamie xx - In The Mix for Benji B on BBC Radio 1 by Hypetrak
The xx - Basic Space (Jamie's Space Bass Remix)
The xx - Hot Like Fire (Jamie xx edit)
Eliza Doolittle - Money Box (Jamie xx Remix)
Adele - Rolling In The Deep (Jamie xx Shuffle) {right click, save as, here - thanks imyouare}
{check out the Villa version}
The XX - Basic Space (Diskjokke remix)
Here's a pitchfork interview with Jamie
Photo by Lizette Greco
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